Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Association of Corporate Treasurers (HKACT)

IGTA Membership:
Full Member
Date of association formation:
Date association joined IGTA:

IGTA Representative

Francis C M Ho


+852 2678 8523


c/o CLP Holdings Limited,
8 Laguna Verde Avenue,
Hung Horn,
Hong Kong


Association General Enquiries

Association Technical Enquiries

Association Membership:
Membership Criteria:

Corporate treasurers, their deputy and team members of Hong Kong corporates who are working on corporate treasury and associated functions with qualification and/or training in finance, treasury, accounting and related areas; and individuals who have respective experiences in corporate treasury and associated functions and are working in peripheral business sectors.

Members host member meetings (luncheon or other formats) on a regular basis to discuss issues of common concern. Distinguished speakers invited to the luncheon meetings included Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury of the HKSAR government, Chairman of the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong, Deputy Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, chief economists of major financial institutions, senior executives of leading corporates and investment banks, senior partners of Big Four audit firms and city mayor from China.

Education and Training:

# Contributed articles to professional journals on the corporate treasurers' view of future development of the capital and financial markets. Member of Asia Editorial Panel of a major UK-based treasury journal

# Initiated a study group and mentor-mentee programme among students taking the ACT (UK) exam. Partnered with ACT (UK) in launching Certificate of International Cash Management (CertICM) in Hong Kong with enrolled/graduated students in excess of 300 to date.

# Supported international treasury conference held in Hong Kong and China.

# Promoted international co-operation by joining the International Group of Treasury Association (IGTA, web site: http://www.igta.org) and collaboration with other treasury associations which are also IGTA members.

Other Activities:

In addition to the connections Hong Kong, HKACT has established treasury networks in China (Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou) which compose of both corporate treasurers of MNC based in China and local Chinese nationals working for large corporations (State-owned enterprises and private-owned companies) in the nation. In 2006, the Convenor of HKACT and senior HKACT members collaborated with CFOs and corporate treasurers of leading Chinese enterprises and MNC in China and founded the International Associations of CFOs and Corporate Treasurers (China) to further promote the enhancement and development of the corporate treasury profession in Mainland China.

Partnered with ACT (UK) in launching the Certificate of International Cash Management (CertICM) in Hong Kong with enrolled/graduated students in excess of 300 as of today and supporting ACT (UK) conferences held in Hong Kong.

Supported international and regional treasury conferences held in Hong Kong and China including those organised by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Treasury Market Association of Hong Kong, ACT (UK) and other associations, professional entities and service providers.

Promoted international co-operation by joining and participating in the International Group of Treasury Association (IGTA, web site: http://www.igta.org) and collaboration with other treasury associations which are IGTA members.

Other Activities
Helps maintain and develop Hong Kong as a corporate treasury centre by providing feedback to the respective government bodies and share best practices with treasury associations from other financial centres. Promoted corporate bond market in Hong Kong through joint submission with HKCMA to the government.

Association Journal and/or Publications:
Annual Conference: