Polish Corporate Treasurers Association (PCTA)
Aleksandra Filipowicz
+48 601 131 494
Association General Enquiries
Association Technical Enquiries
PCTA - Polish Corporate Treasurers Association (Stowarzyszenie Polskich Skarbników Korporacyjnych) is a platform for people who are professionally involved in liquidity and risk management in Poland: Treasurers, CFOs, Credit Controllers, Risk Managers, etc.
Polish or active in Poland Treasury employees in managerial positions.
PCTA supports all kinds of professional groups by means of organizing trainings, workshops, seminars and also an initiative to create a high school treasury specialization
PCTA will support those who are professionally involved in financial liquidity and risk management in their daily activities.
Provide a discussion forum where they could exchange experience and share with the best Treasury practices.
Provide professional development and competence improvement of the PCTA members
Will provide knowledge about financial liquidity issues among management members
The PCTA has an opinion creating team for lobbying Government Legislation bodies, Polish National Bank and Polish Bank Association; including participation in the development of Polish financial market and commercial law.
For details please visit www.pcta.pl
For details please visit www.pcta.pl
For details please visit www.pcta.pl